Friday, January 30, 2009



pictures from me weekend vacay at gitmo:


digital has taken over. these feel old:

if i explained this, it would be less interesting:

going here may very well change your day.

i have bad dreams about stuff like this:

no joke:

this would tooootally mesh well in bucharest:

my image of bucharest from 4 years ago:

im not sure:

this makes me dizzy and kind of nauseous.

incredible photographs.

want it:

so good:

for meghan:

who doesnt want a trap door in their house?

this is kind of crazy.

cant get enough:

these are flawlessly made:

pretty great:

almost that time of year....

i cant decide of i like the clothes or the images better:

go through all of his work. all of it.

way better than snuggies:

kinda good:

really good:

hes seriously serious. all the time.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


i did this today:

Sunday, January 18, 2009


what do you think.

i had a dream

about someone named panda barbeque jackson at some point in the night last night. seriously, so proud. so proud of that combo.

this happened

last week:

these guys do it.

this happened

if only

this happened every day:

this is what home is like:


this is stupid but kind of nice:

i live in a good city:

these are really amazing portraits:

have fun.

i dont know what this is about/for but i like it:

keepin it:

your new coatbabt?



seriously, slot out a solid hour to go through this.

chadchad made these:

holy crap:

also, holy crap:


daily commute

this is what its like walking to work in the morning in Seoul:


this is what its like with ed:

challenge of the day

explain this:


he got got:

Friday, January 16, 2009


watch this. its hard to gauge our level of opulence. wait for the escalator scene:

Thursday, January 15, 2009


go to this, dummies:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

king of corn

astounding, its been done before but this kind of documentation still impresses:


he probably wasnt really all that smart:

everyone else seems to care, why dont we?

every bit as serious:


Saturday, January 10, 2009

movie night

its like someone is building a house from blueprints in my head:

this is kind of mind blowing, i dont know anyone with half the organizational skills of this guy:

again, the mind blowing:

everyone loves some dang food:

people are krzzy:

high and tight

my hairs have dramatically reduced in length.