Friday, December 12, 2008

up date

that word needed to be seperated into two.
ive been busy. dont get angry. heres some stuff thats probably out of 90% of our price range but still worth looking at.

if you looked at that and asked yourself 'quicksilver....really?' dont feel weird, i did to. theyve either stepped their game up or made one amazing coat this year. just one. and then 30 different kinds of patterned zip-up hoodies. oh dang. that was a total zing wasnt it.
if its almost paycheck time and looking at stuff you want just makes you sad. stop. go look at kohls or something. the rest of this junk is insanely overpriced.

i normally get really mad at kitschy jewelry but this isnt that( i realize thats an odd way of wording what i was trying to say but it stays...alliteration wins)

i was going to highlight one bag from this company but seriously, they all have serious merit

i hate leather but you cant hate these:

this just blows me away:

this is one of those things...every girl should have a nice green coat:

and every boy should have a nice fitted suit:

or just this. only this:

that was probably confusing. the girl item after the guy item. obviously i was going back to girls. dummies.

back to guys. because you need help following along:





back to the suit. ties:

i really have no idea what this is but its cool:

one day ill post a bunch of pictures. im on backorder for like 3 months with, people are wearing tanktops and stuff. im out of date.

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